Year: 2022 Location: Moscow, Russia Role: Design Director
Housing and Communal Services Museum
Year: 2022 Location: Moscow, Russia Role: Design Director
About the project
This museum is about super boring topic — housing and communal services. The main goal was to show this process in an interesting way for everybody. We analyzied a lot of information, got super deep inside all working processes. And finally we are proud to present a product that we created. All specific topics was explained in an edutainment way, all difficult themes are told clear. UI part was huge, there are more than 100 installations.
There is a huge model of the underground city with glowing pipes in the center of the hall
There are three zones in the museum: an apartment, Moscow city, the underground of the city. Firstly visitor explore the apartment part and learn the way how different communication come to the house. In the center if the hall visitor can see a flat model with the glowing lines to each services. In the second part we can analyze the hidden part of the communal services such as city cleaning, tube service and others. The last part is about facade side of the city. Visitors can learn about city improvement programs and explore the huge model of Moscow city.
Visitors photos
Museum in numbers
>250 000
More then 250 000 visitors were in museum per year
5 ★
Average rating, the museum is recommended by more then 3500 visitors on the most popular map in Russia
top 3
The museum is in the top three museum in Moscow rate by schools recommended museums